
Recycling News

Recycling News

Recycling News

The Recycling Process and Methods of PET Plastic Bottles
PET is a high-value material that plays a crucial role in the plastic industry. It has excellent secondary processing performance. The rapid growth in PET bottle consumption has greatly increased the value of PET through the use of deposit return systems, which enable recycling and reuse. For businesses, PET recycling can bring substantial profits.
Create a series of six images, each depicting the following materials used for recycling: 1. A clear plastic beverage bottle with the recycling symbol for 'PET'. 2. A white plastic milk jug with the recycling symbol for 'HDPE'. 3. A section of a PVC pipe with the recycling symbol for 'PVC'. 4. A plastic shopping bag with the recycling symbol for 'LDPE'. 5. A plastic yogurt container with the recycling symbol for 'PP'. 6. A foam coffee cup with the recycling symbol for 'PS'.
Plastic is an indispensable material in modern life, popular for its lightness, affordability, and ease of manufacture. However, due to the existence of various types of plastics, it is necessary to classify them. The classification of plastics can be based on several different criteria including their chemical structure, source, processing method and application.