
Garis Pencucian Film PP / PE: Panduan Komprehensif

Yang ditampilkan adalah jalur pencucian dan daur ulang plastik. Sistem ini biasanya digunakan untuk mendaur ulang sampah plastik, seperti botol plastik atau wadah lainnya. Sistem ini membersihkan dan menyiapkan plastik untuk diproses ulang melalui serangkaian proses, termasuk penghancuran, pencucian, pemisahan, pengeringan, dan langkah-langkah lain yang memungkinkan. Sistem seperti ini sangat penting untuk mengurangi permintaan plastik baru, mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan, dan mempromosikan ekonomi sirkular yang berkelanjutan.


In the ever-growing need for sustainable solutions, PP/PE Film Washing Lines emerge as a comprehensive answer for recycling plastic films. Whether you’re dealing with polypropylene (PP) or polyethylene (PE) films, these washing lines offer a turnkey solution that transforms even the dirtiest films into high-quality pellets ready for market.

Prinsip bekerja

Controlled by a central electric panel, the PP/PE Film Washing Line is a series of meticulously designed machines working in harmony. The process starts with a plastic shredder that cuts long pieces of film into manageable sizes. These are then further reduced and partially cleaned by a wet plastic granulator. A high-power friction washer removes stubborn contamination, while a sink-float separation tank sorts materials based on density. Finally, a series of dewatering machines and thermal dryers prepare the film for pelletizing.

Spesifikasi teknis

  • Kapasitas Masukan: Ranges from 500 kg/h to 3000 kg/h
  • Ruang yang Diperlukan: Varies based on capacity (e.g., 42m×15m×6m for 500 kg/h)
  • Operator: 2-3 people for smaller setups, up to 7-9 for larger ones
  • Daya Instalasi: From 250KW to 850KW
  • Water Circulation: 2 to 5 T/H
Kapasitas Masukan500 kg/h1000 kg/h1500 kg/h2000 kg/h3000 kg/h
Required Space [L×W×H]42m×15m×6m50m×15m×6m60m×25m×6m80m×30m×6m80m×40m×6m
Operator2-3 people3-5 orang4-6 people4-6 people7-9 orang
Daya Instalasi250KW350KW470KW650KW850KW
Water Circulation (T/H)23345


PP/PE Film Washing Lines-02

Additional Features

Custom setups with additional machinery are available to meet specific needs. Safety features like emergency stop buttons are standard, and the line comes with a 1-year limited warranty. Installation and maintenance services are also offered to ensure smooth operation.


PP/PE Film Washing Lines are not just machines but a complete solution for plastic film recycling. With their advanced features and customisability, they offer an efficient and sustainable way to recycle plastic films, making them an invaluable asset for any recycling operation.


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